Monday, December 29, 2008


This blog has many different purposes so I am still working on the best formatting and such.  I am hoping to create a list of books I have read for myself that I can easily reference.  Part of that referencing is necessary for when I recommend books.    The other part is for me so I can find new books.

Then the list idea morphed in to a page of actual recommendations and maybe even a place for others to make recommendations.  If someone has read a book I suggest and know of a few like it I would hope they would let me know in the comment section.

I will try to give some opinions and some summary for each book.  The ones I reading currently will most likely get more attention since they are still fresh in my memory.  Yes, my memory is getting a little foggy in my advancing age.  I will also try to include some comments from critics I rely on in my own searches.

I have found some pretty reliable critics or least those that most frequently align with my own taste.  I always check with Kirkus Review, Library Journal, and Publisher's Weekly.  These three don't  agree, but two out of three is normally good enough for me, especially if I already like the book.  Sometimes I don't listen to reviews...I can be stubborn.

As you can tell, the goal and the audience of this blog is not clear yet.  I guess that is what happens when you typically write blogs for yourself.  Any ideas?  Comment away!

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